CNC turning cycle program.Siemens/Fanuc cnc turning cycle programming examples.

How to make turning cycle program…?

CNC turning cycle program
CNC turning cycle program


NPPName of Contour(Ex:-TURN).
MIDIn feed depth(It is the depth of cut. Ex;- If it is 0.2,then 4mm diameter will remove per each revolution )
FALZFinishing allowance along Z axis.(Ex:- If its value is 0.3 then 0.3mm will be left for finishing)
FALXFinishing allowance along X axis.(Ex:- If its value is 0.3 then 0.3mm will be left for finishing)
FALFinishing allowance suitable for contour.(For any profile)
FF1Feed rate for roughing without relief cut.For roughing tool movement in Z axis per revolution.Without relief cut indicates that tool will return without touching.
FF2Feed rate for plunging into relief cut.Plunging indicates when the tool taking depth.
FF3Feed rate for fininshing during roughing.
VARIOperation.Different code for different opration.(Ex:- 9 is for roughing.)
DTDwell to chip break.
DAMPath for roughing.
VRIRetract path from.


CNC turning cycle program
CNC turning cycle program

Main Program(Siemens(802d)

G90 G95;
M03 S90;
G00 X355 Z2;
CYCLE95(“TURN“2.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000 0.30000, 0.30000, 0.30000, 9, , ,1.00000);
G00 X360;
G00 Z2.0;


G90 G95;
M03 S90;
For G code and M code Click here
G00 X355 Z2;Tool will move rapidly to safety distance in X and Z axis.
CYCLE95(“TURN“2.00000, 0.00000, 1.00000, 0.00000 0.30000, 0.30000, 0.30000, 9, , ,1.00000);This is the call of Soft program-TURN
G00 X360;
G00 Z2.0;
Rapid return to safety distance .

Soft Program(Siemens 802d)-Name should be:- TURN

This program will be called in main program for turning cycle.

G01 X270 Z0.0;
G01 X270 Z-300
G1 X350

For More Details click here

CNC Operation & Maintenance


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