Spring loaded ball valve | Non return valve

Mechanism,function,type,application,advantages and disadvantages of Spring loaded ball valve. Mechanism Uses a spring to provide automatic operation or actuation. Function Automatically holds the valve in a specific position (usually closed) when no external force is applied. Read more…

Hydraulic pump selection Checklist

Hydraulic pump selection checklist to purchase from market. Factor Description Flow Rate Calculate total flow needed (GPM or L/min). Pressure Requirements Determine maximum operating pressure (PSI or bar). Pump Type Choose from: Gear, Vane, or Read more…

Power Electronics application and Scope

Some factors expand the demand of Power Electronics application are-. Energy conservation Transportation Process control and factory automation Switch mode power supply Uninterruptible power supplies Applications Aerospace Industry Resident Transport Commercial Telecommunication Utility

How to calculate hydraulic cylinder force?

Cylinder extension speed formula Speed(meter/Minute)=LPM X 231/Effective piston Area. Piston force formula: Force=Pressure x Effective piston area. Flow rate formula: LPM=(Effective piston area X Speed)/231 For more details-Visit here.